Steve Cohen of Memphis Says Donald Trump Is the One Who Needs a Psychiatrist


U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, who represents Tennessee’s Ninth Congressional District, said on television this week that U.S. Republican President Donald Trump is a “paranoid, delusional individual.”

Cohen, who has a documented history of hyperbolic and inflammatory remarks against Republicans, also said Trump needs professional help.

Cohen said this on CNN’s “The Situation Room.”

“Truth of the matter is, my father was a psychiatrist,” Cohen said.

“I think about him often, and I think he should be here today rather than me, because when you listen to that previous report you had, that’s a paranoid, delusional individual, blaming even Fox News and the media for the problems with the economy and saying everything’s fine and everything’s wonderful.”

Cohen recently sought attention for himself by nibbling on Kentucky Fried Chicken during a formal congressional hearing.

According to Cohen’s website, his father was indeed a psychiatrist who was superintendent of the Western State Mental Health Institute in Bolivar.

No one in Cohen’s office returned The Tennessee Star’s request for comment Tuesday as to whether the congressman is projecting some of his own psychological issues onto Trump.

According to, projection “refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else.”

“A common example is a cheating spouse who suspects their partner is being unfaithful,” according to the website.

“Instead of acknowledging their own infidelity, they transfer, or project, this behavior onto their partner.”

As The Star has reported, Cohen has done or said, among other things, the following:

• Warned that U.S. Republican President Donald Trump’s recent rally in North Carolina was on par with Nazism.

• Expressed delight over the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives no longer requiring people to say “so help me God” under oath.

• At the time of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire in France earlier this year, Cohen used the occasion to say Trump is “torching the entire structure of government.”

• Said the Founding Fathers created the nation’s Electoral College as a way to hurt black people.

• Pushed for a formal study on slavery reparations.

Co-sponsored the Green New Deal

Celebrated people on welfare not having to work for their benefits

Compared U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn to the mentally-challenged Waterboy character

Spent $200,000 of taxpayer money on a study to determine whether stress makes kids fat.

• Lost his temper at a news conference in Memphis in 2013 when Tennessee Watchdog asked former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius what she would say to people whose health insurance costs doubled or tripled due to Obamacare.

• Said Tea Party supporters are no different than arsonists and compared Republicans to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels for opposing Obamacare.

• Said the Ebola virus would mutate into a Biblical-style plague that would devastate Tennessee–  unless state Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly complied fully with Obamacare and expanded Medicaid.

• Said Blackburn should jump off the Harahan Bridge in Memphis.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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5 Thoughts to “Steve Cohen of Memphis Says Donald Trump Is the One Who Needs a Psychiatrist”

  1. […] As reported, Cohen said years ago the Ebola virus would mutate into a Biblical-style plague that would devastate Tennessee–  unless state Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly complied fully with Obamacare and expanded Medicaid. […]

  2. CCW

    We all know what happens to children of psychiatrists. This explains the outbursts. People of the 9th district better recall this sociopath or vote him out. It will not get any better.

  3. Barbara Allen

    Steve Cohen is an embarrassment to Tennessee. He needs to go.

  4. Wolf Woman

    Poor ole socialist Stevie Cohen has had to endure white privilege all his life, living and working side by side with proud black people who keep him as their token politician and have convinced him that Kentucky Fried Chicken is a symbol of his white guilt.

  5. Karen Bracken

    Cohen is a disgrace to Tennessee and to the human race. The people of Memphis need to wake up and realize this man does nothing for Memphis except embarrass the people that live and work there.
